Credit: Jacqueline Wiesner
if you are new to Contakids, feel welcome there is no experience you need to bring. Your keen heart, your body and presence are enough! And the studio floor will be all here and ready for you to move.
Take one hour of your week and dedicate it to play and connection with your little One.
What could be more rewarding than that?
It‘s a group experience that gathers for fun, movement and partnering games aimed at the adult and child duo. You are always in equal partnership with your little one while we move together as a group. You will be guided by an experienced female dancer with a passion for movement, children and families. In this practice we are making time to build trust, strength, teamwork, confidence and communication.
Contakids is a unique methodology that utilises physical contact to develop a deeper form of communication between adult and child, with benefits for both. By working with bodily movements the child can enhance their motor skills and self-confidence, while the adult gets to develop a bond of trust and healthy boundaries with their child.
Above all Contakids is tremendous fun! Watch this video!
Registration is open . Catch your early bird!
On timing
Tuesdays at 4:15-5:15pm
Enter: 10:45
Start on time: 11:00h
Program: 45 min + 10min free practice , time to ask questions and free play
Registration and course fee
Register here to secure your space !
Regular price : €105
You can find more info about the method in the section Contakids.
Wear loose training clothes so you feel free to move.
Email me if you have any questions, for registration, or anything else.
I look forward to connect with you,